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Custom Crafted for the Cape
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Valentine and Get Well Card Campaign for Officer Jared MacDonald and Coast Guard Petty Officer Anna Trubnikova
Let’s send a little cheer to a couple of people who really need to know how much we care for them! By now we have all heard the details about the terrifying events that took place in Bourne in the early morning hours of February 5th. Both Jared and Anna are recovering from surgeries and have a long road ahead.
Please take a moment and write a note to Get Well or send some love with a Valentine card! Cards can be sent to the Bourne Police Department and the officers will take them to Jared and Anna in the hospital in Rhode Island. If you have children, home-made cards are always the BEST! Thank you!
Cards can be addressed to Jared or Anna and mailed to:
(Jared MacDonald or Anna Trubnikova)
c/o Bourne Police Department
175 Main St
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
Invite your friends to participate through Facebook
You can also donate to the Officer Jared MacDonald Relief Fund.
Part 1
Part 2
The Cheap Seats – Wicked Cheap Halloween Special
Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Campaign
LeVar Burton’s campaign to bring “Reading Rainbow” to the online masses is off to an impressive start. The effort to raise $1 million by July 2 received donations totaling nearly $900,000 within 10 hours of its launch Thursday on Kickstarter, according to the fundraising website.
Burton was the host of “Reading Rainbow,” the children’s literacy series that aired on public TV through 2009. Contributors can claim rewards ranging from autographed memorabilia to a private dinner with Burton to a chance to put on the visor the actor wore on “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”
A “Reading Rainbow” app for tablets was released in 2012. The Kickstarter campaign is intended to pay for an online version available to more children, including those at needy schools, said Mark Wolfe, Burton’s business partner.
Check out the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Campaign
Cape Cod Broadcasting Media
737 W Main St
Hyannis, MA 02601
Ocean 104.7 Contest Line: 508-593-1047
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